
Elly A., Kansas

The pain in my back and legs from the spinal stenosis has decreased dramatically, Iโ€™m standing taller and straighter and walking without support for longer distances. The pain in my neck and arms has reduced to the point that we have taken the need for injections...

Fibromyalgia Pain Treatment Options

VibePlate – Better Quality of Life Are you looking for a better quality of life where you live pain free? Are you searching for something to help you with Fibromyalgia? VibePlate can help. Doctors, trainers and chiropractors have all had success using...

Grace, Minnesota

I always thought it would be one of my brothers that would break a bone, although I am a tomboy (12 years old) and would sleep out in the barn if my dad let me. I live on a horse and this past summer I fell off of my horse and broke my hand in two spots. After two...

Peripheral Neuropathy Natural Treatment

VibePlate – Better Quality of Life For many diabetics and others who are plagued with peripheral neuropathy, treatment options are limited to powerful medications like antidepressants, antiepileptics, and opiods. These drugs are very hard on the body and often...
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