
Dr. Pete Wurdemann, Wurdemann Family Chiropractic, North Branch, Minnesota

VibePlateยฎ is a no brainer. ย In 17 years it is the best thing that I have bought for my office. I see great spinal correction. ย If that wasnโ€™t enough, research shows benefits including: muscle strength, tone and endurance, blood and lymph circulation, improvement with...

Reviews from Coaches, Trainers and Athletes for Sports Performance

“VibePlateยฎ is one of my favorite pieces of equipment. We use VibePlateยฎ in all phases of our basketball strength and conditioning program. The endless exercises and being able to train in all three planes of motion is highly rewarding. I believe every facility...

Stan, Oregon

It was nice talking to you today in reference to my VibePlate. I can honestly say that the VibePlate has increased my personal performance. I’m a police officer and part time Air Force Reservist. Since I began using the VibePlate my PT scores have always been in...
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