by Christopher Wobig | Aug 30, 2019 | Ankle, Apnea, Arthritis, Back Pain, Balance, Bone, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetic, Dystonia, Fibromyalgia, Flexibility, Fracture, Hamstring, Inflammation, Joint, Knee, Lymph, Medical & Rehab, Muscle, Neuro, Neuropathy, Orthopedic, Osteoporosis, Pain, Parkinson Disease, Peripheral, Range of Motion, Rehab, Restless, Reviews, Scoliosis, Spinal, Spine, Sports, Sprain, Strain, Stress, Stroke, Tension, Weight
“I have been very impressed with my use of the VibePlateยฎ. As a lifelong athlete who has many joint and back issues the VibePlateยฎ has kept me pain free. When I got it I had debilitating tendonitis in one of my elbows. Within a week of daily use, 90% of the pain...