
More results in half the time!

In a conventional training session, only 40% of the muscle fibers are exercised; with Whole Body Vibration (WBV) training on the VibePlateยฎ that percentage reaches the 100% mark. And it’s not only the muscle tissue that reacts, it also has a positive effect on tendon tissue, bone tissue, the nervous system and hormonal balances.

Increases Muscle Strength Twice as Fast – The advantages for muscle training on the vibeplate are two fold. First, by forcing your muscles to hold a position on the vibration plate for a certain length of time, your body will begin to recruit and activate more and more motor points to help maintain this contraction. Motor points that are rarely exercised within a particular muscle are now brought into use, perhaps for the first time.

Secondly, while the vibrations continue, the motor points that are recruited are forced to contract continuously, time after time, with no appreciable decrease in force output. This allows your muscle to achieve a state of maximum contraction very safely and effectively. The end result is that the entire muscle matures very quickly.

With conventional training the resting period between two training sessions is almost as important as the training itself. This basic rule should also be applied to vibration training. The big advantage of training on the plate is that this usual recovery period is reduced. In most cases only one day is sufficient compared to two in conventional training. This means that you will not only train more efficiently, but have the ability to train more often as well.

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