Rehabilitation Institiute Ohio
We find that the VibePlate has the largest benefit for dystonia usually between 10-20hz. Second biggest benefit is for orthopedic issues at 35hz. We do see benefits in gait at 50hz however they are no as dramatic as the benefit we see for dystonia and pain. The bottom line is it depends on your primary symptom. If its dystonia its well worth the money, almost miraculous. We had a patient literally crippled with dystonia and he has none and has had none for almost a year, due solely to the total body vibration training. Of course everyone is different.

We find that the VibePlate has the largest benefit for dystonia usually between 10-20hz. Second biggest benefit is for orthopedic issues at 35hz. We do see benefits in gait at 50hz however they are no as dramatic as the benefit we see for dystonia and pain. The bottom line is it depends on your primary symptom. If its dystonia its well worth the money, almost miraculous. We had a patient literally crippled with dystonia and he has none and has had none for almost a year, due solely to the total body vibration training. Of course everyone is different.

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