My name is Brian Sanches. I am currently a pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies. I have been in pro baseball for 13 seasons. For the past six seasons I have been dealing with knots and tightness in my right trapezoid. It was a constant pain and nuisance when I wasn’t throwing. I also strained my right flexor tendon this past season which included a tight forearm. I was introduced to Dr. Kyle Daigle at the beginning of this offseason. I was somewhat familiar with the active release treatment but the functional neurology was new to me. When they explained the treatments to me I understood the logic, but at the same time, was a little skeptical. I informed them about the two injuries I had been dealing with and they immediately went to work on me. After the third or fourth treatment, including use of the VibePlate, I was no longer walking around with painful knots in my trap and forearm. As I increased my offseason throwing I would receive a treatment to prevent knots and soreness. I am currently in my third week of spring training and have thrown every day, including multiple bullpens and games and have yet to feel pain in my trap and elbow. I definitely recommend Dr. Daigle to any patient, especially athletes, not only for treatment to injuries, but also to prevent injuries. I know I will continue to use them throughout the rest of my baseball career and on.
Brian S.
My name is Brian Sanches. I am currently a pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies. I have been in pro baseball for 13 seasons. For the past six seasons I have been dealing with knots and tightness in my right trapezoid. It was a constant pain and nuisance when I wasn’t throwing. I also strained my right flexor tendon this past season which included a tight forearm. I was introduced to Dr. Kyle Daigle at the beginning of this offseason. I was somewhat familiar with the active release treatment but the functional neurology was new to me. When they explained the treatments to me I understood the logic, but at the same time, was a little skeptical. I informed them about the two injuries I had been dealing with and they immediately went to work on me. After the third or fourth treatment, including use of the VibePlate, I was no longer walking around with painful knots in my trap and forearm. As I increased my offseason throwing I would receive a treatment to prevent knots and soreness. I am currently in my third week of spring training and have thrown every day, including multiple bullpens and games and have yet to feel pain in my trap and elbow. I definitely recommend Dr. Daigle to any patient, especially athletes, not only for treatment to injuries, but also to prevent injuries. I know I will continue to use them throughout the rest of my baseball career and on.