I come from the Czech Republic and am here in the States playing hockey. My mom is a medical doctor so I was the biggest skeptic when it came to Chiropractic. After the brutal beatings taken during practices and games I come in and literally fall asleep while laying on the Vibe Plate® at Wurdemann Family Chiropractic. Prior to this experience, I would take a lot of prescription drugs, ate Ibuprofen like candy and still hurt most all the time. But now with Chiropractic and the VibePlate®, this brought my game to an all new level and I’m rarely sore!

I come from the Czech Republic and am here in the States playing hockey. My mom is a medical doctor so I was the biggest skeptic when it came to Chiropractic. After the brutal beatings taken during practices and games I come in and literally fall asleep while laying on the Vibe Plate® at Wurdemann Family Chiropractic. Prior to this experience, I would take a lot of prescription drugs, ate Ibuprofen like candy and still hurt most all the time. But now with Chiropractic and the VibePlate®, this brought my game to an all new level and I’m rarely sore!

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