“We have increased athletes vertical jump up to 9 inches in one year. We have increased pitchers velocity 7 mph in just a few months. We have increased the back pedal of athletes from 8 to 15 mph in just an 8 week session. In 10 sessions we had an athlete gain 45 pounds on the bench and add muscle gain of 10 pounds in weight. These are athletes that play multiple sports and still have the time to do Sports Enhancement Training.”
Lincoln Sports Center, NE
“We have increased athletes vertical jump up to 9 inches in one year. We have increased pitchers velocity 7 mph in just a few months. We have increased the back pedal of athletes from 8 to 15 mph in just an 8 week session. In 10 sessions we had an athlete gain 45 pounds on the bench and add muscle gain of 10 pounds in weight. These are athletes that play multiple sports and still have the time to do Sports Enhancement Training.”